Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center
5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center, Inc. is an outdoor art exhibit space in Long Island City, New York, considered to be the world’s premiere “graffiti Mecca,” where aerosol artists from around the globe paint colorful pieces on the walls of a 200,000-square-foot factory building.
More pics : http://5ptz.com
More pics : http://5ptz.com
Hell'O Monsters

Le jardin d’hiver du domaine de Mariemont est envahi par l’univers pop et fantastique, inspiré du graffiti, des Hell’O Monsters (Blastus : Jérôme Meynen / Desro : François Dieltiens / Ewing 33 : Grégory Van Cleemput / Tatone : Antoine Detaille).
Musée royal de Mariemont,
Chaussée de Mariemont, 100 7140 Morlanwelz - Belgique
Le site internet du Musée de Mariemont Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Graffiti, peinture murale, affiche, ... quel art engagé aujourd'hui ? Table ronde proposée par l'asbl La Braise à Liège.

TABLE-RONDE : Espace public, espace d’expression ? Quel art engagé aujourd’hui ?
Trois associations, l’Institut d’histoire ouvrière économique et sociale (IHOES), Peuples et Cultures (PEC) et La Braise, prennent l’initiative d’organiser une table-ronde afin de s’interroger et de débattre avec vous sur l’inscription de l’art dans l’espace public.
Parmi les intervenants pressentis, Alain Lapiower (Lezarts Urbains), Daniel Seret (Miroir Vagabond), Werner Moron (Les Ateliers d’Art contemporain)... Ces artistes engagés investissent – chacun à leur manière : par la peinture murale, le graff, l’affiche … – l’espace public pour faire passer leur message politique et/ou social.
le vendredi 26 juin à partir de 18h30
ASBL La Braise : rue Mathieu Lansbergh, 20
(Esplanade Saint-Léonard) à 4000 Liège
Trois associations, l’Institut d’histoire ouvrière économique et sociale (IHOES), Peuples et Cultures (PEC) et La Braise, prennent l’initiative d’organiser une table-ronde afin de s’interroger et de débattre avec vous sur l’inscription de l’art dans l’espace public.
Parmi les intervenants pressentis, Alain Lapiower (Lezarts Urbains), Daniel Seret (Miroir Vagabond), Werner Moron (Les Ateliers d’Art contemporain)... Ces artistes engagés investissent – chacun à leur manière : par la peinture murale, le graff, l’affiche … – l’espace public pour faire passer leur message politique et/ou social.
le vendredi 26 juin à partir de 18h30
ASBL La Braise : rue Mathieu Lansbergh, 20
(Esplanade Saint-Léonard) à 4000 Liège
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Kool Koor at Brussels Artbox gallery.

For it’s inaugural art exhibition WE’RE OF present Chuck « KOOR » Hargrove ‘’THE 11th LETTER‘’ The 11th Letter… is the title of this solo exhibition of New York Graffiti Art Pioneer Chuck « KOOR » Hargrove. Koor started his artist journey in streets of the South Bronx in the mid 70’s, where he soon after became a prominent figure in the New York Graffiti/Post Graffiti art movement.
Exhibition : June 5th, 2009 through July 5th, 2009
Exhibition : June 5th, 2009 through July 5th, 2009
Gallery WE’RE OF Artbox
Tél : +32.479.25.24.64
Tél : +32.479.25.24.64
126 Rue Antoine Dansaert
1000 Bruxelles - (Belgium)
1000 Bruxelles - (Belgium)
Monday, June 15, 2009
Graffiti exhibition Fondation Cartier Paris from July 7 to Jan. 10, 2010.
French writers : Horfe, LSK (Les Sarko Killers), 1dex, Sek, ...
Current exhibitions : see right column.
Devoted to graffiti and street art, the exhibition Born in the Streets will bring to light the extraordinary expansion of an artistic movement that developed in the streets of New York in the early 1970s to rapidly become a world-wide phenomenon.
Born in the Streets GRAFFITI
July 7 › Jan. 10, 2010
Current exhibitions : see right column.
Devoted to graffiti and street art, the exhibition Born in the Streets will bring to light the extraordinary expansion of an artistic movement that developed in the streets of New York in the early 1970s to rapidly become a world-wide phenomenon.

Today, graffiti has entered the cultural mainstream, crossing over to the realms of studio art, design and advertising. Yet despite its immense popularity, this essentially illegal activity continues to evolve at the periphery of the contemporary art world, its origins and evolution little-known to the general public.
The exhibition at the Fondation Cartier attempts to sketch the general contours of a subject that is vast and complex, encompassing many different ideas, media and movements across its boundaries.
With Basco Vazko (Santiago Chili), Cripta (São Paulo), JonOne (Paris), Olivier Kosta-Théfaine (Paris), Barry McGee (San Francisco), Nug (Stockholm), Evan Roth (Honk-Kong), Boris Tellegen / Delta (Amsterdam), Vitché (São Paulo) and Gérard Zlotykamien (Paris).
Born in the Streets GRAFFITI
July 7 › Jan. 10, 2010
Fondation Cartier pour l’art Contemporain,
http://Fondation Cartier 261, boulevard Raspail
75014 Paris - France
75014 Paris - France
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Jes Saes (alte liebe rostet nicht ?)
Light Graph
The Cologne artists collective LICHTFAKTOR use light to give expression to their creativity. They take advantage of a variety of light sources to produce photos and videos in cities by night. Light graph videos link : Lichtfaktor Crew.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wim Delvoye Mudam Luxembourg

Wim Delvoye has created the metallic, gothic-inspired chapel with stained glass windows containing subversive imagery specially for Mudam. The artist makes reference to his own work in black, grey and coloured glass. Obscene gestures, kisses, human intestines and skeletons are x-rayed.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
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